
Larry-Boy is the hero and defender of BumblyBurg! His Butler, Alfred, Helps him do things and he has defeated 3 of the hugest villians EVER!
His real name is Larry and he loves his Super Suction Ears! He also likes to say "I AM THAT HERO!" When You hear that You know someones coming to help!
Junior Asparugus

This little guy has a nack for talking to strangers! Which means he's a real pain for Larry-Boy! But LarryBoy still likes him because he helps stop what he has started!
His best friend is Laura Carrot.
Alfred Asparugus

Alfred is LarryBoy's Butler, and also kinda his partner! He Makes LB's Gagets, Helps him on his adventures, and also makes LB's weekly cookies!
Oh, did I mention that he's brittish?
Laura Carot

Laura Carot Is Best freinds with Junior Asparugus and got accused of breaking J.R.'s dad's bowling plate. She even started a rumor which started trouble for LB.
Scooter Carrot
Scooter Carrot Is the police cheif of BumblyBurg and has a ruined car thanks to the fib from outer space!

The Fib From Outer Space
He may look cute at first, but if you hang out with him too long he will become a monster! This Alien grows by telling lies and was defeated by his own victem, and the BumblyBurg's own super hero, Junior, and Larry-Boy!

The Rumor Weed

The most annoying gossiping weed you have ever seen! She gossips and gossips before the story turns out from cute little puppy to fire breathing dragon! Larry-Boy accedentaly created her by knocking over a plant on a phone wire with a woman telling rumors! The wires electuted it and it fell into a sewer.
The Bad Apple (Temptation)
She is the master of pursation and had a plan to trap Bumblyburgs three main people including, Mayor Blueberry, Reporter Petunia Rhubarb, and LarryBoy, who foild her sceam. Her heanchman's name is Curly, who is a worm!