Larry-Boy was created in Bigidea studios! They were origanaly going to make it, The Adventures of BatBob and LarryBoy, but when they decided to give LarryBoy a first appearence in Dave And The Giant Pickle, they liked it so much they wanted to give him his very own episode.
So then came LarryBoy and the Fib from outer space! It had the lesson in telling the truth! They liked it a lot... but a lot of the parents didn't. They sent letters to Bigidea saying "My kids have watched your video and now they are scared to go to sleep!" So to prove LarryBoy was funny, not scary, they created a second one!

This one was called LarryBoy and the Rumor Weed which had a lesson in the power of words. Since this one had more funny scenes and less scary, parents and children liked it a lot better than the first...Though people still think the first was an exelent masterpiece!

Years went... LarryBoy never came back, untill one day they said "Let's bring LB back! So they made LarryBoy and the Bad Apple. But, BumblyBurgs changed, LarryBoy changed, and the larry-cave has changed too! Who knows what could of happend when we last left bumblyburg? All we know is LarryBoy went through some ruff times while we were gone!

Now no one thinks LarryBoy will ever come back...And that's probaly what's going to happen!